3 Tips From an Egress Window Covers Specialist to Protect the Value of Your Home

Protecting Your Home Basement With Egress Windows

Egress window wells enhance your home if you have spaces that are below the ground, such as basement bedrooms and other living areas. It’s also usually part of the emergency escape code for having such rooms. While window wells are very valuable, they can also be problematic. If designed or constructed poorly, they can be a conduit for water to flow into your home. They can also fill with vegetation and, in some cases, become home to small animals. Here are 3 tips to protect the value of your home from a reliable egress window covers specialist:

Safety and Protection

High-quality, custom-fitted window well covers provide safety and protection to a home in many ways, and they are an excellent investment for the maintenance of a home. While allowing normal ventilation and access to light, window well covers help to avoid falls from children and animals, protect a home from water and debris, and they can protect a home from intruders. A window well cover should not be a flimsy, one size fits all cover.

Protect Children, Pets, and Wild Animals

Open metal window wells are a safety hazard for children, house pets, and wild animals. There have been many reported falls of children, and even some adults, into open, unprotected window wells. Animals like deer, squirrels, and cats have fallen or even nested in window wells, creating the safety hazard of wildlife accessing a home. A well-fitted window well cover helps avoid these security risks for those who are potentially hurt, as well as protecting the home.

Additional Security

A custom-fitted window well cover offers additional security to a home in several important ways. A well-installed cover protects a home from intruders, while also offering an emergency exit from inside the home. Proper escape, or egress, from the inside, is a necessary characteristic of a window well cover. Emergencies do occur, and a suitable exit must be readily available to inhabitants.

If you need egress window covers for your basement, contact Windows Well Cover, Inc.. We serve clients in Herndon, VA and the surrounding areas. For inquiries, feel free to call us at (571) 410-1017.

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